5 Reasons Leading With Kindness Matters

B. Pagels-Minor
3 min readJan 15, 2022
Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels

If you’ve ever experienced kindness in the workplace or met kind leaders like the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, you know the kind of positive impact this trait alone can have on you and your organization.

Yet, more often than not, I see organizations and leadership teams prioritize characteristics like ambition, honesty, or innovation over kindness, even though it’s just as crucial to their bottom line.

That’s why the focus of today’s blog is all about the importance of leading with kindness. And more importantly, how practicing it in the workplace can positively benefit you and your company.

Five benefits of practicing kindness in the workplace

1. It makes you happier — if you read my post about the value of paying it forward, you might recall me talking about experiencing “helper’s high.” According to Steffi Black, a Life & Career Coach, Culture Strategist, and Kindness Advocate, practicing kindness can affect you on a biochemical level. And I couldn’t agree more because anytime I’ve ever done something kind for someone at work or in my personal life, I instantly feel happier.

2. It accelerates trust — think back to how you felt when a coworker complimented you, genuinely offered to help, or grabbed an extra cup of coffee for you on their way to work. Chances are you probably…



B. Pagels-Minor

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